Are Chemicals Ruining Your Grout?
Chemicals can potentially ruin grout if they are too harsh or are not used properly. Grout is typically made of a mixture of cement, water, and sand, and it can be porous and susceptible to damage from chemicals. Some chemicals that can damage grout include: Acidic cleaners: Strong acidic cleaners, such as vinegar or lemon juice, can damage grout by eating away at the surface and causing it to deteriorate over time. Bleach: While bleach is a powerful cleaner, it can also be corrosive and damaging to grout. Over time, bleach can cause grout to become brittle and crack. Ammonia: Ammonia is a strong cleaner that can be effective for removing dirt and grime, but it can also be harmful to grout. It can cause the grout to become discolored, and over time it can weaken the grout's structure. Abrasive cleaners: Harsh, abrasive cleaners can scratch and damage grout, leaving it vulnerable to further damage and discoloration. ...